Saturday, 8 December 2012


The organizations in the world use the Web Based system consistent with current technology nowadays. It is because during the technology, can help the organization reduce the cost to sent an employee to training can help organizations to reduce the accident in an organization and also help employees to improve their performance and career. For this system it has also become easier for employee and employer in their work, it just assess in online so the employee no need to attend the training or fill the form for evaluating them.
The Web Based also has disadvantages, it’s because the organization needs to spend a lot of money to develop the Web Based on their company. The organization needs to create the Web Based on organizational goal, so it needs to take time to develop. The organization also needs to update each time so that the employee knows the current information.

Web Based Compensation and Planning

      Compensation is the total amount or money pay to employee and employer in return for work performance as required. The examples of compensation are bonuses, profit sharing, overtime pay, recognition rewards and checks and also sales commission. Compensation is one of the HRM topics, the organization needs to use the compensation system to in their administration. The basic compensation system includes base pay, merit pay, short-term and long-term incentives, perquisites, recognition awards and attraction or retention awards. Compensation programs must also meet federal and state statutory and regulatory requirements. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) differentiates exempt workers and non-exempt worker.
The compensation data inputs in system include internal (jobs, people and organizational units), external (market survey data, information on rewards system) and generated data. Typically the most organization provide each employee with an “Annual Compensation Report”. That is the total amount of money spent by the organization on the employee, including money spent wages or salary, incentive pay, and the cost of benefits paid for by the organization.
The primary data from compensation is a payroll. The manager preparing budget draws on compensation data as they project costs over the next budget period. This data are sent to federal, state and local agencies, including taxing agencies, labor department, and other units tracking wage data.
For the strategic planning compensation, the organization focuses on performance and knowledge their employee. The implication using web based compensation is an easy to access, become a good relationship between employee and employer and also can avoid the employee jump in another company.
            The web based planning for system implementation the organization can choose several steps for the implementation process. Here have a several authors about the steps of the implementation process. According Rampton, Turnbull and Doran (1999), they develop 13 steps in the implementation process. According Jessup and Valacich (1999), they develop 5 steps, but they focus on the system side of the process.  Here is several steps of the planning process whereby the manager using in their organization. The process includes Project Managers, Steering Committee or Project Charter, Implementation Team, Project Scope, Management Sponsorship, Process Mapping, Software Implementation, Customization, Change Management, and also Project Evaluation.
            The benefit for organization is a easy to use whereby that intentionally lack any complex features, quick implementation whereby, just take a few minutes to setup, flexible delivery model and also easily to interchangeable with Microsoft Project files.

4.      Kavanagh, M. J., Thite, M., & Johnson, D.R. (2014). Human resource information system: Basic, application, and future direction.

Web Based Occupational Safety and Health

Nowadays the occupational safety and health is important in the workplace. The employer and employees need to familiar about the OSHA standard, to examine workplace conditions to make sure to apply standard and to meet the duty to provide ‘a workplace free from recognized hazards’. The employers and employees also need to take responsibilities to comply with all applicable OSHA standards, follow all employer safety and health rules and regulation, to report hazardous conditions to the supervisor.
The function of the Web Based Occupational Safety and Health is a promoting safety and health in the community, giving the education to employers and employees, giving the consultancy service about the safety and health in the workplace, and also give the information to employers and employees.
 One of Web Based the organizational use is an OSHA’s Safety and Health Management System e-Tool. This system helps employees and employers to guide about them the safety and health. This system also can help the organization to reduce the accidents in the workplace and the employee will follow the safety and health standard.
            The Module Safety and Health Management Systems e-Tool have four steps. The first step is a Safety and Health Payoffs. Why the organization needs this system. It is because can help the employer to reduce the cost. When using this system it can give benefit to organization to reduce the absenteeism, reduces the turnover, improve the productivity and also improve the employee’s attitude.
            The second step is Management System + S&H Integration. It’s an explanation about this system. This emphasizes the idea that it’s fine to produce as hard fast as possible, as long as it can be done with safety. This step will give the question to answer about safety and health in the workplace.
            The third step is a Doing a Safety & Health Check UP. It’s a conducting a safety and health check up. Here the employee can access the company safety and health system. The evaluation will divide in four sections which are management leadership or employee involvement, worksite analysis, hazard prevention and control and safety and health training. If the employees want to go to the online evaluation, they need to complete the survey first to get the rating.
            The last step to being a Creating Change. After employee complete the third step, the employee will know what the organization doing in implementing a safety and health system


Web Based Employee Learning and Development

The definition of learning is a process relatively permanent change in behavior for individual’s interaction experience in environmental. Learning is an important form of personal adaptation. The definition of development is a systematic of scientific and technical knowledge to meet a specific objective or requirements. The development also is an extension or the theory and practical aspects of a concept, design, discovery or invitation.
            Web Based employee learning and development (ELD) is the program and services brings together leaders and staff to learn, build community and connection and contribute to a high achieving, collegial workplace culture.  The purposes of ELD are to improve the employee performance and also an organization. This system recommends to appropriate training program for the employee to increase the knowledge, skill and attitudes (KSA) toward their current job. These systems ensure that the employee can manage their stress caused by work overload. 
            For example the Western University in Canada, it uses the Web Based employee and training Development. It uses this alternative because their HR vision “Recognized leaders in human resource practices and strategic partners in the success of Western and its people”. These systems encourage the faculty members and graduate students to visit the ‘Teaching Support Centre’ for programs to advance their teaching and learning practices. The Courses and learning system that Western provides are: 
      a)      Introduction to Leadership at Western
      b)      Western’s Foundational Leadership Skills Program
      c)      Leadership Skill Refresher
      d)     Meeting that Work – Skill for Meeting Leaders
      e)      Improving Professional & Personal Productivity
      f)       Western Leader’ Forum
     g)      Professional Network Forum
     h)      Western Staff & Leaders’ Conference.
The benefits using Web Based employee learning and development system give the opportunity to create powerful learning experiences that employees can utilize to better accomplish to create their objective. From accessible a characteristic, the most people have come to expect, this system can also provide equal access to a wide range of people. This system can open many new doors to employees who may previously have been excluded from learning opportunities in the organization.
The Web Based employees' training also have disadvantages. The advantages are limited formatting of content in current browsers, this system has high-fixed costs and the employee need to assess and feedback is limited.
The Web Based Employee and Development (ELD) system is very important to help organization to provide an effective training for the employee and also to develop the employee career.


Web Based an online system, the organizations need to implement this in their workers. The several the Web Based the organization use in their company is Web Based Employee Learning and Development, Web based Occupational Safety and Health and Web Based Compensation and Planning.
            The function for the Web Based Employee Learning and Development is a, help employee to improve the KSA and also can help employees develop their career.  The Occupational Safety and Health can help employee knows about what is the rules of the OSH and easy to supervisor to observe their employee about the OSH.  For the Web Based Compensation and Planning, easy to supervisor to know what is the employee compensation based on their employee position and also easy to supervisor refers back about the compensation their employee. Web Based system, help employer and employee to reduce the workload and also reduce the stress in workplace.

Friday, 19 October 2012


           For the conclusion of The Human Resource Information system (HRIS) is very important now day.  It is because this system can help the company to manage their organization especially the large company. It is because the large organizational have much information, so, from HRIS it can help the organization to kept the data with systematic into the system. The HRIS has many advantages for the organization. The advantages are will give employee satisfaction by delivering HR services more quickly and accurately and also can motivate employees in adopting change, such as increased automation across and between functions. Sometime the system is difficult to employee to use. The employer and employee do not know how to use this system, so the organization needs to send them to training. The organization need to spend a lot of money to send their worker to send the training at the sometime this system always up to date base on globalization.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Human Resource Performance Management System

Performance management systems (PMS) are usually entirely internal to the organization, but data must be linked to several other systems, like rewards, staffing, training and development, and career development. Performance management system (PMS) is a systematic process where the organisation involves its employees in improving organisational effectiveness by focusing them on achieving the organisation's mission, strategic goals and objective. PMS is a tool to implement strategy. It is a useful tool to communicate organisational goals and objectives, reinforce individual accountability for meeting those goals, to identify the individual and organisational performance results. It involves the three stages which are planning, performance observation, and providing positive feedback or corrective feedback. The purpose of PMS is to get employees to improve their performance and to achieved the organizational goal.
Performance planning must be constructed in such a way that any manager can do it, regardless of management style or skill. The manager must first define what the performance means in the case of specific direct report. According (Evans, 2001) this definition based on a cascade of goals beginning with the organizational strategy and operating plan, with the immediate source being what the manager is expected to accomplish during the period and ending with the direct report’s expected part of the accomplish. When performance dimension, measure and standard have been developed, the manager must communicate them to the direct report. The manager must make certain that the direct report understands measure and standard.
Data input for PM system include data organization, job and individual –level data. Organizational –level data consists of links to organization and unit goals and strategies and business plans. Job-level data is a significant part of the PM. Key task, responsibilities, and outcomes should flow from job data sets to individual performance plans. Most of the data in PM system are individual level-data.  The standardized report produce by the HRIS are the performance contract and the annual summary appraisal for each employee. The report includes aggregate performance data by unit and report comparing aggregated unit performance with unit output. (Cohen & Hall, 2005). Performance data in HRM decision and will flow automatically into some processes or be available for others as need.
Web-based system can also provide a calibration tools for employee performance ratings that allows for a visual inspection of distribute of rating for a population. This calibration is often essential as a tie-in to the compensation process since performance ratings often dictate how much employees may receive for their annual merit review.


1. Kavanagh, M. J., Thite, M., & Johnson, D.R. (2012). Human Resource Information System: Basic,
    Application, and Future direction.